GÖG-Colloquium | The PEPPA Framework – how to effectively implement innovative nursing roles

Beginn der Veranstaltung
26.06.2024 18:00 Uhr
Ende der Veranstaltung
26.06.2024 19:30 Uhr
online via Zoom
Denise Bryant-Lukosius

This presentation provided an overview of the PEPPA Framework (participatory, evidence-based, patient-focused process, for guiding the development, implementation, and evaluation of advanced practice nursing) and how a systematic approach can be used to improve the design, implementation and evaluation of innovative nursing roles.

Utilized in over 30 countries, the framework incorporates evidence-based strategies to address known barriers to implementing enhanced nursing roles. The PEPPA framework emphasizes a stakeholder engaged and patient-focused process that results in improved role clarity, stakeholder acceptance and support of new nursing roles, and optimal role implementation.

A highlight of the presentation was the introduction of the PEPPA Framework Toolkit, which was developed to guide the implementation of the first 6 steps of the framework. While the focus of the toolkit was on cancer care, the tools are adaptable to any type of APN role in any specialty area or practice setting. It is divided into two sections including six chapters providing detailed information and strategies for implementing the first six steps of the framework. The second section is an appendix, that includes corresponding tools and resources for each of the chapters and steps.

>> Presentation Slides <<

>> Framework Tookit (link) <<

Denise Bryant-Lukosius is a Professor in the School of Nursing at McMaster University, where she holds several leadership roles including: The Alba DiCenso Chair in Advanced Practice Nursing (APN), Co-Director of the Canadian Centre for APN Research (CCAPNR), and Deputy Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre in Primary Care Nursing and Nursing Health Human Resources. Her program of research focuses on nursing role optimization and the design and evaluation of innovative models of care. Nationally and internationally, she has conducted research about specialized and advanced nursing roles in a variety of settings, led the development of advanced practice nursing curricula, and designed frameworks and knowledge translation tools for the introduction and evaluation of advanced practice nursing roles.

Welcoming and moderation
Linda Eberle, BSc
Health Expert
Health Professions and Long Terme Care
Austrian National Public Health Institute | Gesundheit Österreich GmbH